The most beautiful excursion ideas in summer
O Arzgebirg, wie bist du schie,
in Winter weiß, in Sommer grü.
(Anton Günther)
The View
On the summit of the Fichtelberg is the Fichtelberghaus with an observation tower, a weather station and a strike station of the Royal Saxon Triangulation from 1864, with which measurements of regional and national importance were carried out.The Fichtelberg suspension railway leads over the eastern flank of the mountain from Oberwiesenthal to the summit plateau.The view covers large parts of the central Ore Mountains.Beyond the Ore Mountains ridge, the view extends eastward to the mountains of the Bohemian Central Uplands.
During autumn and winter inversion weather conditions, the view sometimes wanders under a clear sky over a closed cloud cover from which only the highest peaks can be seen. During such weather conditions, the view of the 836 m high Milešovka in the Bohemian Central Uplands is remarkable. On a few days a year there is also a distant view of the Fichtel Mountains, the Giant Mountains, the Bohemian Forest, the Bavarian Forest with the Great Arber and in rare cases and often only with binoculars as far as the Brocken in the Harz Mountains.
The Fichtelberghaus
Flora & Fauna
The mountain was named after a natural spruce forest that existed at the time.Georgius Agricola used the Latinized form Pinifer (Fichtelberg) in the 16th century.
Forest Story
The main tree species of the Hercynian mixed mountain forest, silver fir (Abies alba), red beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) were represented in roughly equal proportions up to the ridges of about 30%.In old church chronicles and forest taxation there are descriptions of the original forest condition.The Fichtelberg was planted with a mixed forest of the tree species mentioned above.The fact that spruce dominates today is primarily due to human influence.Improper management such as clear felling and high game populations pushed fir and beech further and further out of the forests and unilaterally favored the spruce.With the beginning of proper forest management in Saxony at the beginning of the 19th century, the composition of the tree species changed drastically.
Protected Area
On the Fichtelberg is the 5.48 km² landscape protection area Fichtelberg (LSG-No. 320795), founded in 1962, on the southern slope the 18.67-hectare nature reserve Fichtelberg with Schönjungferngrund (NSG-No. 163092) and directly southwest of it the 73.15 hectare large and multi-part nature reserve Fichtelberg-Südhang (NSG No. 163093), founded in 1997.
To the west of this is the one-part Rohr- oder Schilfwiese nature reserve, founded in 1967 on the Kleiner Fichtelberg (NSG no. 165205). These areas overlap with the flora-fauna-habitat area, Fichtelbergwiesen (FFH no. 5543-304).